Dr Jane Padmore

Dr Jane Padmore

Chief Executive, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Jane Padmore is a registered mental health nurse and has worked in mental health and learning disability services since 1990. Jane is passionate about driving continuous improvement to ensure high-quality services that are safe, effective, and a good experience. She is particularly interested in how the emerging evidence in relation to neurodiversity can be applied to our services.

Initially starting her career as a healthcare assistant, Jane later qualified as a mental health nurse and has since worked in various clinical, leadership, managerial, and academic roles, across CAMHS and adult mental health, learning disability, and forensic services. Jane was our chief nursing officer before being appointed chief executive in April 2022 and prior to that she was chief nurse and executive director of quality and safety at Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Jane is currently the chair of the NHS Confederation Learning Disability and Autism Forum.

Jane was awarded a doctorate from King's College London following a research study into the mental health needs of young people in street gangs. She has published in relation to child and adolescent mental health, nursing practice, and young people involved in street gangs.