Lorraine Sunduza

Lorraine Sunduza OBE

Chief Executive Officer, East London NHS Foundation Trust

Lorraine was appointed as chief executive officer on 17 May 2024, having formally been the interim chief executive from August 2023.

Lorraine graduated from De Montfort University with a mental health nursing qualification. She has over 20 years’ registered nurse experience having started her career working in adult mental health inpatient services. She joined the Trust in 2002 as a charge nurse in the forensic directorate. 

In 2010 Lorraine was appointed head of Nursing for Forensic Services and in 2015 was appointed deputy director of Nursing for London - Mental Health. She became interim chief nurse in November 2017 and was substantially appointed in June 2018.  She was appointed as deputy CEO in the Trust in June 2021. 

Lorraine is a member of NHS England London People Board including the London EDI Committee.  She is a Myers-Briggs Step 2 Administrator, Nye Bevan Health Care Leadership Programme and Race Equality in the workplace (WRES Expert).