Maureen Banda
"Maureen is a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Specialist with 24 years experience in working both in the private and public sector, in hospital and community settings. Maureen joined NHS England Specialised Commissioning in 2014, with a focus on managing pathways of children and young people going into CAMHS T4 in-patient units.
Maureen has progressed on to hold strategic and lead roles in the National Team, focusing particularly on children with a learning disability and/ or autism and additional mental health needs. She has a strong interest in inter-professional practice and cross system work with key partners in Education and Social Care. Maureen also strongly believes in bringing the patient story, therefore co-producing, with children and families at the heart and centre of planning. Maureen’s current role as a Mental Health Advisor (Clinical) for mental health systems allows her to provide intensive hands on support to improve service delivery and patient outcomes..
Maureen is a perpetual student with post grad courses in Infant Observation and Inter-professional practice, at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust and City University. Maureen has also completed the Sainsburys Trust Leadership Course as well as ‘Mentalisation’ accredited by the Anna Freud Centre. Maureen is currently undertaking and MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership at Oxford University to broaden her reach.
Her most memorable pieces of work have been co leading, with DHSC and CQC, in a review chaired by Baroness Hollins, of CYP in Seclusion and Segregation, and an invitation to Number 10 to discuss her teams work in CAMHS around supporting CYP with mental health issues."