Mohit Venkataram
Dr Mohit Venkataram is executive director of commercial development at East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT). In addition to being the executive commercial director, Mohit is also the executive lead for the ELFT Charity, executive lead for commissioning the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services tier 4 across North Central and North East London ICBs and executive lead for primary care.
He has created a following in primary care through his monthly primary care webinars: 'Future of primary care’ which features a leader in the field of primary care talking with him about developments and challenges. In addition, Mohit is the chief executive of Compass Wellbeing a CIC which is a wholly owned subsidiary of ELFT.
He was appointed as executive director of business development and performance at the trust in November 2016 having previously been the board commercial and business development director from February 2011.
Mohit has extensive operational management experience in acute trusts, community trusts, and social care and mental health organisations. He was previously deputy managing director for Newham Health and Social Care Services across Newham Primary Care Trust and the London Borough of Newham. He has also worked as a practicing clinician in the private and statutory health sector abroad.