Phillip Masuwa
Phillip Masuwa is Head of Staff Experience and Engagement for the North East & Yorkshire Region in NHS England.
His career history is accredited to analytical skills in tackling complex problems, finding innovative solutions and generating high-performing services. Phillip has over 12 years of work experience across the private and public sectors, where he has led various strategic programmes in finance, policy, system leadership and organisational development.
Since 2016, he has influenced many NHS local, regional and national decisions. He is currently working on empowering NHS staff so they can provide patients with the best possible care.
From 2016 - 2020 Phillip was the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) network executive chair for NHS England and NHS Improvement (South East, South West and London Region). He is passionate about increasing BAME representation at board level and dedicating his time to help nurture the careers of next-generation NHS leaders by providing professional development training for them at work.