Professor Asif Zia
Professor Asif Zia is a consultant psychiatrist and executive director for Quality and Medical Leadership at Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation Trust. Asif has also been appointed as chair of the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network's Medical Director Forum for the NHS Confederation in July 2022.
He has been involved in service development and quality improvement activities at regional and national level. He has published peer reviewed papers and policy documents on models of service delivery, quality standards, service users’ engagement, managed clinical networks, and on clinical topics such as epilepsy and autism.
His clinic work involves running a specialist intellectual disability epilepsy clinic.
Prof Zia is passionate about improving the experience of patients within Mental Health services and developing Mental Health leaders of the future. He has overseen transformation of Intellectual Disability services, developed and launched research strategy with service user involvement. and improved safety and quality of services helping the trust reach the outstanding status through CQC.
Asif was awarded professional of the year by the Royal College of the Psychiatrist in 2021.