Sandra Cummings
Sandra joined the NHS Confederation in Wales (as it was then known) in August 2000. Prior to joining the Confederation, Sandra spent 20 years working in the NHS through many re-organisations, but within the organisations that now form Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board. She started working within Community Health in the Taff Ely Health Unit, where she remained for 10 years before moving to District Headquarters as Training and Systems Manager within the Personal and HR Department, dealing with Training and Enterprise Councils and Finance systems on Health Care and Administrative NVQs.
During the past 20 years working for the Welsh NHS Confederation Sandra’s role has evolved - in 2000 there were just three team members. Sandra helped to grow the Welsh NHS Confederation’s annual conference into the successful annual event that it has become and continues to enjoy this work, as well as organising a range of events for Members and stakeholders in Wales. She also works with Academi Wales on Board Development Programmes, providing training for Independent Members. Sandra is also budget holder for Wales and responsible for reporting all financial matters to the Director, while working alongside colleagues in London and Leeds.
Sandra provides corporate support to the NHS Wales Chairs and Vice Chairs Peer Groups, a challenging but enjoyable role. She is very much a team player who enjoys new challenges.