Vicky Mason
Victoria is the Chief Executive of DGS Health, a GP Federation comprised of all the GP practices in North Kent. DGS Health employs over 100 staff including roles on behalf of Primary Care Networks and delivers a range services including an Urgent Treatment Centre, enhanced access appointments, paramedic home visiting service, phlebotomy, wound care, frailty nursing, and a range of enhanced PCN services including heart failure, respiratory and diabetes services and delivers Direct Enhanced Services on behalf of some PCNS.
DGS Heath also provides non clinical support for practices and PCNs including governance, project management, quality improvement, finance, HR, administration/ management, CQC readiness, practice/PCN mediation and training.
Victoria originally qualified as a solicitor and has enjoyed a varied career which included the legal profession, police force, local authorities and later joined the NHS in 2014. Previous NHS experience includes Assistant Director and Deputy Chief Operating Officer in NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups and Director of Integration for a community provider.
Victoria has special interests in children’s services, integrated care and prevention/lifestyle approaches to health.