Associate terms and conditions

By signing up to be an associate of the NHS Confederation you agree that you are bound by our terms and conditions for associates.
The NHS Confederation Associate scheme runs from 1 April to 31 March each year and is reviewed annually. If you join part way through the year you will pay fees on a pro rate basis.
Associate benefits
The NHS Confederation offers Associates a number of benefits which are outlined on our website, and are subject to change at our discretion. The benefits include access to media summaries, access to policy summaries, access to our workforce and communications bulletins, invitations to events and webinars, use of the Leeds hub, discount for NHS Confederation annual conference and discount for the Leeds Horizon facility AV services. Where discounts are offered to associates, the discount is calculated against the commercial rate offered by the NHS Confederation at the time of the enquiry or booking.
By becoming an associate, the NHS Confederation permits you to use the NHS Confederation Associates logo which will be supplied to you along with our brand guidelines. You may use this logo to advertise your status as an NHS Confederation Associate for the period of your participation in the scheme. There is no right given to use any other of the NHS Confederation’s logos. You shall ensure that any reference to you associate status is not misleading in its representation, is an accurate reflection of the relationship and does not indicate that the NHS Confederation is endorsing your products or services. We reserve the right to ask you to remove the logo and destroy any materials should this occur at our sole discretion.
The fees for associates determined by your organisations turnover. Our consultant rate applies to individual consultants only.
Payment is due within one calendar month of invoice. We reserve the right to refuse or withdraw any benefit until payment has been received.
We require that you give us six months notice of cancellation in advance of the renewal date or you will continue as an associate for a further one year period. The renewal date is 1 April each year. Upon cancellation we require that you remove all reference to your participation in the associate scheme and destroy any materials with the NHS Confederation Associate logo on and remove it from all websites and digital media within one week.
Data protection
Any personal data provided will be processed for gathering information on existing policies and procedures. The information collected will be processed via Jotform on behalf of the NHS Confederation but will not be shared with any other third parties.
Please see our privacy policy for further information on how we will handle your data, you may opt out from communications from us at any time.
No partnership or joint venture
Nothing shall constitute a partnership or joint venture between the NHS Confederation and any associate.