Consultation response

Community Mental Health Services : evidence to Health and Social Care Select Committee inquiry

The NHS Confederation's written evidence submission to the Health and Social Care Select Committee's inquiry on Community Mental Health Services.

14 March 2025

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In many parts of the country, mental health service leaders and commissioners are working effectively with local partners to better meet the needs of adults with severe mental illness.

Against the background of a tough financial position and rising demand for services, transforming community mental health services is challenging. It continues to be the case that community mental health services need improvement.

The common thread where good and innovative practice is present is strong relationships across sectors and a holistic approach to meeting what people need to support them to live well in their communities. 

A reformed Mental Health Act should reduce coercion, particularly for those communities disproportionately detained, and improve quality of care for those detained. However, reductions in detentions comes with a greater need to ensure the quality and access to community services.