COVID-19 inquiry draft terms of reference consultation: NHS Confederation response

The NHS Confederation's view on areas we believe should be given emphasis in the COVID-19 inquiry terms of reference, and how the inquiry should be run to draw the best and most timely recommendations.
On 11 March 2022, the COVID-19 inquiry team chaired by Baroness Hallett published its draft terms of reference for consultation, which sets out the aims and scope of the independent public inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom. The inquiry team is working closely with key stakeholders across the four nations to understand their priorities and concerns.
System leaders could be expected to present written and oral evidence to the inquiry, and it will therefore be a key consideration for the NHS Confederation and our members, as well as other important partners.
The NHS Confederation submitted a consultation response, highlighting some areas we believe should be given emphasis and how we believe the inquiry should be run to draw the best and most timely recommendations, recognising ongoing pressures on the health and social care workforce.