Emergency care: an accident waiting to happen?

Emergency departments are the most recognisable part of any hospital. The inherent drama of emergency care often graces our TV screens, and for many people emergency departments are their only experience of NHS acute care. They are greatly valued in local communities as a reliable and easy way of accessing care when it is most needed, which is why they have been the focus of intense scrutiny over the last six months.
This Briefing aims to debunk some of the myths around A&E care and provides a snapshot of what our members are experiencing across the country. Our findings are based on a survey of 125 senior NHS leaders and an analysis of national data. Respondents to our survey included NHS chief executives, commissioners, chairs, medical directors and chief nursing officers. They have shed light on the causes of A&E pressures and put forward potential solutions.
What happens in emergency care is crucial for patients and the NHS as a whole – and it is our job to give voice to those experiencing what is happening on the front line. This is their contribution to the debate.