Explaining integrated care systems to elected members and officers of councils: slide deck

This slide deck forms part of the Integrated Care Communications Toolkit, a practical resource to help NHS Confederation members communicate changes in the health and care system in England.
Integrated care system (ICS) communications leads - or partner organisations’ communications leads - can use these slides when engaging with elected members and officers of councils.
It explains the reasons that have led to the development of ICSs and what the changes will look like on a practical level. It contains animations and diagrams and features a case study, speaker notes and transcripts to support you.
The language has been kept as simple as possible so it can be used with audiences who are not familiar with integrated care or NHS jargon.
Similar versions are available for engagement with patient groups and the general public and non-executive directors.
Please make sure you have read the copyright licence which covers use of the animations within the slide deck.
How to use these slides
- Download the slides by clicking the ‘read the slide deck’ button at the top of the page
- Save a copy
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- Enable content – this will enable you to play the animations in the slide deck