Consultation response

Fixing NHS Dentistry - evidence to the Public Accounts Committee Inquiry

The NHS Confederation's submission to the Public Accounts Committee Inquiry on fixing NHS dentistry.

14 February 2025

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The current NHS dental payment system, based on Units of Dental Activity (UDAs), has led to inefficiencies in both care delivery and budget allocation, with many dental practices avoiding NHS work due to uncompetitive rates. This has resulted in underspending on dental budgets locally and poor access to care for patients, particularly in the most deprived areas. The delegation of dental commissioning to Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) has not yet fully addressed these issues, as ICBs lack the necessary data and resources to make informed decisions about how to best commission these services.

The focus on improving access to dental care in the NHSE 2025/2026 planning guidance is welcome as is the commitment to consult on reform. 

The dental provider sector has pointed out that overhauling the UDA system in favour of a model that prioritises oral health outcomes over volume-based activity would improve access to care.