Follow-up inquiry into how the Welsh Government is preparing for Brexit: Welsh NHS Confederation's response to the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee

Welsh NHS Confederation highlights key developments on Wales’ preparedness for exiting the European Union.
The Welsh NHS Confederation has previously provided detailed responses to the External Affairs and Additional Legislation (EAAL) Committee inquiries into Brexit, namely:
- In November 2016 we provided a written response to the EAAL Committee consultation on the implications for Wales of Britain exiting the European Union;
- In October 2017 we provided a written response and gave oral evidence to the EAAL Committee inquiry into resilience and preparedness: The Welsh Government’s administrative and financial response to Brexit.
- In January 2018 we attended and provided evidence to the EAAL Committee roundtable discussing the implications of Brexit for Wales.
- In February 2018 we responded to EAAL Committee inquiry into Wales’ future relationship with the European Union.
Our response on this occasion highlights the key developments following our written response in February 2018 in relation to how the Welsh Government and the NHS in Wales are preparing for the UKs departure from the EU.