GP partnership review: NHS Clinical Commissioners' response

We have responded to a call for evidence on the key lines of enquiry for the independent GP Partnership Review, chaired by Dr Nigel Watson.
Our response was developed based on focused engagement with our Primary Care Reference Group and members of the NHSCC Board who are participating in the GP Partnership Review.
In our response we welcomed Dr Nigel Watson’s review into the GP partnership model as a means to address a number of significant challenges and uncertainty that currently exist within primary care. The content of this review overlaps to some extent with the General Practice Premises Policy Review and corresponding call for solutions – as such it is important that the results and actions from both consultation activities are well aligned with each other and together feed into the long-term plan for the NHS.
Our members currently face a number of challenges within the GP partnership model, including in relation to financial risk, career progression and partner expectations, and indemnity. While addressing these issues, the GP Partnership Review must also recognise and protect the strengths built into the current model; our members report support for the current model in terms of its basis in serving local populations of registered patients which facilitates continuity of care. Furthermore, a revised GP partnership model must enable and embrace the evolving primary care landscape, as well as support the ability for development across integrated care systems.