Health, Social Care Committee inquiry into the general principles of the Public Health (Wales) Bill

As with our response to earlier consultations relating to this Bill,i the Welsh NHS Confederation believes that the Public Health (Wales) Bill provides a golden opportunity to improve the health of the population. The NHS in Wales supports the Bill and is committed to the protection and improvement of the health of the people of Wales and the reduction of health inequalities. All health systems across the UK should work to reduce premature mortality from preventable disease, but this is particularly the case in Wales, which has historically suffered from high levels of chronic ill health.
While the Welsh NHS Confederation wholeheartedly supports the Bill, we are disappointed that it does not include a clear and simple preamble which sets out the goals and principles of the law. It is vital that there is a clear vision of what the Bill intends to achieve and the outcomes on which its success will be measured. Health and well‐being needs to be owned across Government departments and by all sectors across Wales. The Well‐being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 goes some way in ensuring that public bodies work collaboratively to achieve a “healthier Wales”, it is also essential that the Public Health (Wales) Bill places duties on Welsh Ministers and public sector bodies to consider health in all policies and developments which may impact on the health and wellbeing of the people of Wales.