The lives we want to lead

The NHS Confederation welcomes the opportunity to comment on the LGA’s green paper ‘The Lives we want to Lead’. In launching it, the LGA have provided an important starting point to help build momentum for a debate about how to fund the care we want to see in our communities for adults of all ages.
This is especially important given that social care is in crisis and the need for reform is urgent. While additional investment in the system over the past few years has been welcome, it remains fundamentally underfunded. The government have repeatedly delayed their green paper, without some clear proposals setting out solutions, the situation for social care will only worsen.
The NHS Confederation was pleased to be able to take part in the LGA’s social care green paper sounding board discussions, where we were able to raise several key points. This response does not answer all the consultation questions but instead covers the questions that we considered it most useful and relevant to answer.