NHS Oversight Framework 2019/20
This briefing is to give NHS Confederation members and system leaders a summary of the NHS Oversight Framework 2019/20, published in August 2019, by NHS England and NHS Improvement.
This briefing is to give NHS Confederation members and system leaders a summary of the NHS Oversight Framework 2019/20, published in August 2019, by NHS England and NHS Improvement.
The NHS Oversight Framework sets out a “new approach to oversight including how regional teams review performance and identify support needs across sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) and integrated care systems (ICSs)".
The framework summarises how this new approach to oversight will work from 2019/20 and the work that will be done during 2019/20 for a new integrated approach from 2020/21”.
The purpose of this briefing is to:
- summarise the key themes, key changes, timelines of the NHS Oversight Framework
- provide the NHS Confederation’s response and recommendations.