NICE draft guideline on macular degeneration: NHS Clinical Commissioners' consultation response
NICE should withdraw recommendation that Bevacizumab should not be prescribed because it is cheaper or more cost effective than a licensed alternative
We have responded to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) consultation for their draft guideline on macular degeneration. Our response is focused on to the recommendations relating to Bevacizumab and Ranibizumab.
In our response we call on NICE to:
- Withdraw the recommendation that Bevacizumab should not be prescribed simply because it is cheaper or more cost effective than a licensed alternative. We believe this goes beyond the remit of the NICE role in
assessing the suitability of products based on clinical effectiveness and economic analysis. - Given the acceptance that there is no clinically significant differences between Aflibercept, Ranibizumab and Bevacizumab identified in the clinical trials considered by the guideline committee and considerable cost savings could be released, undertake to support partners such as Department of Health and MHRA in reviewing the licensing arrangements for Bevacizumab for the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration.