
PCNs in place: PCN Network conference session summary

Talking points and key questions on primary care networks' role at place level.

1 December 2020

Catch up on the talking points at this PCN Network virtual conference session.

Chair and panellists

  • Dr Caroline Taylor, Faculty Member, NAPC and GP, North Halifax
  • Dr Hannah Morgan, Clinical Director Reference Group Member, PCN Network and Clinical Director, Hayling Island and Emsworth PCN
  • Keeley Ellis, Locality Director for Primary Care, Fareham and Gosport CCG, and South Eastern Hampshire CCG
  • Dr Tayo Kufeji, Clinical Director Board Member, PCN Network and Clinical Director, The Bridge PCN

Key points

Build relationships with people and organisations

Don’t be put off if the first person doesn’t share your view, someone else will, keep going until you find them. Find the common ground - it’s there somewhere.

Know your place, your data, your people and your priorities

Accept the medical view or answer to the problem might not be the right one. Be prepared to listen to others in local government or other agencies who may have more experience or insight into a particular issue or community. Find the people who can help you access the data and insight you don’t have.

Working at scale – including small scale

See if working with others, such as acute providers or community trusts, is possible at a PCN footprint level – some will embrace this.


Don’t get bogged down in transactional detail – focus on the bigger picture and the ‘why’ of what you’re doing, or a shared vision of what you’re all doing collectively.

Key quotes

"Weave a tapestry, create a kinship."

"Build an ambition but also a safety net."

Question for consideration

  • How best to build relationships with CCGs or others where this hasn’t been easy to date?

View all PCN Network virtual conference session summaries.