
A vision for mental health, autism and learning disability services in 2032: parliamentary briefing

We produced a briefing for MPs based on our vision for mental health, autism and learning disability services in 2032.

2 December 2022

Read the briefing (PDF) External link icon

The NHS Confederation and Centre for Mental Health have worked together to identify a vision for mental health, autism and learning disability services for people of all ages in England in ten years’ time. We produced a briefing for MPs to share the vision with them. 

Historically, services for people with mental health difficulties, autistic people and people with learning disabilities have been underfunded. Short-term policies and workforce planning cycles have prevented them from operating sustainably. The erosion of social care and public health funding in the years of austerity in local government funding has left many local areas with limited early help or support. Inattention to inequities in services have meant that groups of people with the poorest mental health have often experienced the poorest support.    

Mental health, autism and learning disability services cannot meet demand without radical changes to the way services are delivered, and that mental health service providers can’t solve the crisis in mental health and meet rising demand all on their own.

The briefing sets out that critically, investment is needed from government and their anticipated cross-government plan for mental health must be published and resourced without delay.