Consultation response

Welsh Government’s consultation on partnership arrangement regulations: Welsh NHS Confederation response

The WNHSC response to the Welsh Government’s Consultation on the (draft) Partnership Arrangements (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2024.

10 July 2024

Read consultation_on_the_draft_partnership_arrangements_miscellaneous_amendments_wales_regulations_2024.pdf External link icon

Key points

  • Whilst our members welcome the ambition to strengthen regional partnership agreements, there is a need to better integrate and simplify the regional working arrangements and their operation. This is particularly important given the challenging financial constraints and increasing demand we are all facing. 

  • It would be beneficial to see added to the regulations: objectives on integration between health and social care and more transparency of the governance arrangements (e.g. membership for example to be published and easily accessible). 

  • Regional Partnership Boards' (RPBs) annual delivery plans should take account of, and align with, the well-being plans produced by Public Service Boards (PSBs) to ensure a better focus on population health and to integrate the workings of the PSBs and RPBs. 

  • To conclude, we hope the scope of the proposed regulations will be broadened to improve coherence and integration of regional working more generally, including between health and social care.