Welsh Language Standards (Health Sector) Regulations

Our response to the consultation seeks to gather the collective views on the extent to which the standards provide an appropriate baseline of Welsh language services actively offered by Health Boards and Trusts in Wales. In our response to the consultation we will not be providing specific answers to all of the questions posed but will be reflecting more closely the key issues and priorities highlighted by our members.
Following extensive consultation with our members, it is clear that there is support for providing Welsh language provision across the health sector. The Welsh NHS Confederation and our members recognise the importance of providing Welsh language services to patient and our Policy Forum recently published ‘One Workforce: Ten actions to support the health and social care workforce in Wales’i . This document highlights the importance of investing in Welsh language provision across the health and social care workforce to ensure that patients and their families receive individual, person‐ centred care in their chosen language. While there is support for providing Welsh language provision there are some reservations about how the Welsh Language standards for the NHS can be achieved in practical terms.