Welsh NHS Confederation response to the Welsh Conservatives Health Roundtable

The Welsh NHS Confederation welcomes the opportunity to attend the Welsh Conservatives Health Roundtable and submit information ahead of the first meeting in January 2024.
Our response highlights the key messages and priorities of our members within each of the themes and reiterates the key calls that we highlighted in our briefing, The NHS at 75: How do we meet the needs of future generations?
Key areas for NHS leaders in Wales
NHS leaders across Wales have identified the following priority areas for political and public action.
- The need to promote staff wellbeing, develop cross-sector skills and review the overlapping layers of regulation.
- Develop a long-term workforce plan for NHS Wales to determine the actions we need to take today to create a more sustainable workforce.
- Need for long-term financial certainty and investing in Welsh communities.
- Need for one public service.
- Need for a national conversation.
- Need for a National Health and Care Service.
- Reshaping the public’s relationship with the NHS and embedding population health.
- Quality-based outcomes focusing on public experience across health and care.
- Need for a cross-government approach to reducing poverty and inequalities.
- Building a digitally ready workforce.
- Getting value for money from the NHS.