
Who is your next PCN clinical director?: PCN Network conference session summary

Catch up on the talking points at this PCN Network virtual conference session.

1 December 2020

Chair and panellists

  • Karen Storey, Primary Care Nursing Lead, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Dr Bruce Warner, Deputy Chief Pharmacist, NHS England and NHS Improvement
  • Kat Dalby-Welsh, Clinical Director Board Member, PCN Network; CD Yeovil PCN
  • Dr Graham Stretch, Clinical Director Board Member, PCN Network; CD Brentworth PCN

Key points

  1. There is a need to look beyond GPs and encourage other professionals into the PCN clinical director role
  2. How can integrated care systems (ICSs) support primary care networks (PCNs) to find people?
  3. There is a need to support staff and recognise it is not a level playing field

Need to look beyond GPs
There is a need to encourage other staff to get involved, ensure they are at the meetings and encouraged to participate and consider the clinical director role.

Need to bring people in from other providers
There is an opportunity to work with others and to bring people in from other providers but also from working with the voluntary and community sector.

Support for staff
Peer support is important and there is a need to give people confidence and develop their competence. There is a need to create opportunities, such as shadowing opportunities.

Not a level playing field
It is not a level playing field but there is a need to role model behaviour and support. Attitudes are changing.

Key quotes

"Need to give everyone the confidence to step up and realise they are leaders."

"If we go back to the basis of what a PCN should be it should be multi-professional."

Questions for consideration

  • Need to support staff from across professions, not just GPs, to aspire to become clinical directors.
  • What training, support, mentoring needs to be in place?

View all PCN Network virtual conference session summaries.