Be the change Ten recommendations from a joint international summit on urgent and emergency behavioural healthcare, hosted by NHSCC and RI International. 3 October 2018
Polisi Rheoli Presenoldeb yn y Gwaith GIG Cymru Polisi Rheoli Presenoldeb yn y Gwaith GIG Cymru 1 October 2018
Consultation on gluten free food on NHS prescription in England Where local areas have or choose to introduce more wide-ranging restriction on gluten free food prescribing they must be given the freedom to do so. 1 October 2018
Developing the long term plan for the NHS CCGs face a number of barriers when integrating across system and place. NHSCC has therefore produced 5 ‘asks’ to better support integration. 30 September 2018
2018-21 pay proposals and draft framework agreement Frequently asked questions on the 2018-21 pay proposals and draft framework agreement. 28 September 2018
Evidence-based interventions Members would welcome proposals on additional interventions and which would reduce activity of low clinical effectiveness and relative value. 28 September 2018
Statutory Scheme We support the principles of the statutory scheme and the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme 2014 to limit the cost of branded medicines. 18 September 2018
Autism (Wales) Bill There is insufficient evidence to show that autism-specific legislation would enhance services being delivered across NHS Wales and local government. 17 September 2018
Taking the value-based agenda forward This paper explores how to spread the adoption of value-based healthcare across all parts of the system. 17 September 2018
Lives we want to lead We fundamentally disagree with the proposal for health and wellbeing boards to take on statutory duties to commission primary and community care. 16 September 2018
Welsh Government draft budget Radical transformation of healthcare is now the only way in which NHS Wales can hope to be on a sustainable footing for the longer term. 13 September 2018
The role of ambulance services in transforming care What role are ambulance services playing in transforming health and care services in England? 13 September 2018