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Showing 1489 - 1500 of 1659 results

In conversation with... Hannah Leaton

Hannah explores Wellbeing Erewash vanguard’s ‘time swap’ programme and how it helps people and communities to stay well.

19 February 2018

Ar ddiwrnod arferol yn GIG Cymru

Dros 91,000 o bobl yn cael eu cyflogi, yn cynnwys meddygon, nyrsys, staff ambiwlans, bydwragedd, cynorthwywyr gofal iechyd, swyddogion proffesiynol.

5 February 2018

Gofalu Gyda’n Gilydd

Bwriad Gofalu Gyda’n Gilydd yw darparu fframwaith deinamig a hyblyg i GIG Cymru a fydd yn esblygu dros amser.

5 February 2018

On an average day in NHS Wales

Infographic showing the level of demand across the NHS in Wales over the course of a single day.

5 February 2018

Learning from the vanguards

How the vanguards have broken down traditional organisational barriers across whole system.

31 January 2018

Learning from the vanguards

How the vanguards have sought to design health and care services around the needs of people who use them.

31 January 2018

Brexit and mental health

Brexit and mental health outlines the possible implications of Brexit for the mental health sector.

29 January 2018