Opportunities, openness and obstacles Insights into member research on the interest and opportunities of the NHS partnering with the life sciences industry. 8 December 2023
What does the UK’s association to Horizon Europe mean for the NHS? A summary of the EU's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme and the importance of the NHS's continued participation. 8 December 2023
Improvement is more than an add on or ‘nice to have’ Sam Allen and Penny Pereira on improvement at system level, the untapped potential and the power of community. 6 December 2023
Integrated care partnerships: driving the future vision for health and care An in-depth look at the role of integrated care partnerships and what lies ahead. 5 December 2023
NHS Confederation and AstraZeneca health inequalities collaboration agreement Enhancing patient care through population health-focused solutions. 1 December 2023
Response to Finance Committee scrutiny of the Welsh Government’s 2024-25 Draft Budget proposals Welsh NHS Confederation response to Finance Committee scrutiny of the Welsh Government's 2024-25 Draft Budget proposals. 1 December 2023
Investing to save Exploring why capital investment is key to boosting productivity and transforming care. 28 November 2023
Transforming health and wellbeing services through population health management Exploring practical shifts towards population health and population health management approaches. 27 November 2023
Making an impact: progress report April to September 2023 Our achievements on behalf of members from April to September 2023. 27 November 2023
Population health management: an introduction What is population management and what are the benefits, particularly in primary care? 27 November 2023
Partnering with purpose Exploring how ICSs and industry can work in partnership to solve the challenges facing health and care. 24 November 2023
Creating community hubs to support local populations Providing ‘one-stop shops’ for access to voluntary sector support in communities in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 24 November 2023