Patient-initiated follow up infographic This infographic outlines how to develop a patient-initiated follow up (PIFU) appointment process that's inclusive and addresses health inequalities. 10 November 2023
Critical to care: the role of community interest companies in health and care An in-depth look at the role and value of community interest companies in the health and care sector, and the challenges they face. 9 November 2023
The role of community interest companies in health and care An at-a-glance guide to community interest companies (CICs) in the health and care sector. 9 November 2023
Lord Markham CBE: NHS capital, innovation and economic regeneration Lord Markham on the New Hospitals Programme, digital and innovation, and the NHS's role in economic regeneration. 8 November 2023
King's Speech 2023: what you need to know Analysis of what the King’s Speech means for the health service. 7 November 2023
BME Leadership Network of Network Leaders A place for chairs and leads of BME/BAME networks to come together, hosted by the BME Leadership Network. 2 November 2023
Guidance to Support Individuals with Long COVID-19 to Return to Work & Guidance to Support Individuals who are asymptomatic but test positive Updated All Wales Guidance 31 October 2023
Understanding the role of mental health practitioners in primary care Discover how mental health practitioners in primary care are supporting people to access the right care at the right time. 30 October 2023
Supporting people through cancer Briefing highlighting examples from NHS organisations across Wales of improving diagnosis, treatment and support for patients with cancer. 26 October 2023
Turning Point: Crisis Support and Recovery Lounge How drop-in support services in Manchester are filling a gap in mental health provision, reducing A&E attendance and complementing the wider system. 26 October 2023
Letter to the Secretary of State on equality, diversity and inclusion We have written to The Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP to express our concern with comments he made yesterday on equality, diversity and inclusion. 20 October 2023
Using a multimedia digital solution to reduce follow-up outpatient appointments Reducing follow-up appointments for knee surgery patients at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust. 19 October 2023