Creating better health value Exploring which of a range of care settings can deliver the most economic output when funding is increased. 23 August 2023
Analysis: The influence of NHS spending on economic growth Increased investment in NHS primary, community and acute care is associated with greater economic growth, new research shows. 23 August 2023
Exploring and understanding the VCSE sector in provider collaboratives Insights into the unique offer the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector has to support provider collaboratives. 22 August 2023
Ambulance services and integrated care systems: lessons for effective collaboration Four enablers of effective collaboration between integrated care systems and ambulance services. 21 August 2023
Key statistics on the NHS Get the facts behind the headlines with our compilation of key NHS statistics. The NHS facts and figures apply to England, unless otherwise stated. 18 August 2023
The state of integrated care systems 2022/23 Exploring progress local systems have made and opportunities for further development. 17 August 2023
Response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on the rebalancing care and support programme Welsh NHS Confederation response to the Welsh Government's consultation on its rebalancing care and support programme. 14 August 2023
Welsh NHS Confederation response to care consultation The Health and Wellbeing Alliance Social Care Sub-Group responded to the Welsh Government's consultation on rebalancing care and support programme 14 August 2023
Interactive case study map for elective recovery NHS England's elective recovery team developed an interactive map to share good practice happening across the country. 3 August 2023
Scaling innovation within healthcare systems Practical guidance to support the adoption and scaling of proven innovations in healthcare. 3 August 2023
Delivering a preventative mental health culture in Bury schools A programme of mental health education in primary schools is having a significant impact in Bury schools. 2 August 2023
Transformative, not tokenistic: the patient voice in integrated care systems Exploring how the patient voice can embedded into system working in a meaningful and transformative way. 28 July 2023