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Showing 73 - 84 of 121 results

Discharge to assess

This Community Network briefing sets out the case for permanent funding to support the ‘discharge to assess’ model.

14 June 2021

Integration and innovation

Analysis of government proposals to reform the NHS in England.

11 February 2021

Working together to improve patient care

Examples of three models of partnership working that are currently underway in primary care to support mental health at place level.

4 February 2021

Data adequacy and a deal

A review of government guidance on data sharing between the UK and EU, and actions to protect access to EU data for patient care and research.

15 January 2021

Digital inclusion in mental health

This guide aims to increase digital inclusivity within mental health provider organisations.

8 December 2020

Best practice and innovation during COVID-19

A snapshot of emerging insights behind the rapid innovation across health and care during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

20 November 2020