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Showing 85 - 96 of 121 results

NHS Reset: a new direction for health and care

NHS Confederation members’ views on the COVID-19 pandemic and a possible direction for health and care in the aftermath of the pandemic.

29 September 2020

Gwerthfawrogi, Ymgysylltu a Chyflawni

Cyn etholiadau’r Senedd yn 2021, rydym wedi gofyn am farn ein haelodau ac wedi nodi eu gweledigaeth ar gyfer y system iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru.

24 September 2020

Health as the new wealth

Gain a deeper understanding of the links between health and economic growth.

21 September 2020

Social care: time to grasp the nettle

This report explores the opportunities and challenges ahead for health and social care and the four critical factors needed to reset social care.

19 August 2020

The rapidly changing NHS

The experiences of NHS professional communicators during the coronavirus pandemic.

12 August 2020

Approaching the end of the Brexit transition

A review of the most recent government guidance on the end of the Brexit transition and provides a checklist for NHS organisations as they prepare.

5 August 2020

Delivering mental health services digitally

How two trusts built on their existing provision of remote one-to-one services and expanded them into remote services for groups during COVID-19.

23 July 2020