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Showing 73 - 84 of 111 results

The Northern Ireland Protocol

Get a better understanding of the Northern Ireland Protocol, which was signed as part of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.

21 August 2020

The NHS after COVID-19

Provider trust chief executives discuss the changes they have made to respond to COVID-19.

29 July 2020

Time to be radical?

A detailed look at the direction of travel systems want to see as we look towards a coherent future vision for system by default.

30 June 2020

Getting the NHS back on track

This report outlines the key challenges local organisations will face as they recover from the first wave of COVID-19.

10 June 2020

Management of the coronavirus outbreak

Evidence to the Health and Social Care Select Committee to inform their inquiry on the management of the coronavirus outbreak.

22 April 2020

Improving the scrutiny of ICSs and STPs

A guide for scrutiny leads and communications and engagement directors to understand working more effectively in local partnerships and communities.

8 February 2020

Draft NHS Standard Contract 2020/21

Concerns raised over the implementation of some of the system level working mechanisms.

30 January 2020

Brexit Preparedness in NHS Wales

Significant risks associated with Brexit but the NHS across Wales is continuing to plan for a no-deal which we see as the worst-case scenario.

29 January 2020