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Showing 97 - 108 of 111 results

Chairs and non-executives in the NHS

This report examines the arrangements for the recruitment and appointment of chairs and non-executives within the NHS.

6 June 2019

Implementing the NHS Long Term Plan

Ten key issues to address to create the right legislative and regulatory framework for local leaders and their organisations to succeed.

10 May 2019

Fit and proper person test

An update on the requirements placed on NHS provider organisations to ensure director level appointments meet the ‘fit and proper persons test’.

1 December 2014

Reconfigure it out

Good practice principles and advice for those leading current and future NHS reconfigurations.

17 September 2014

Challenging bureaucracy

This report sets out our findings on bureaucratic burdens on the NHS and what actions should be taken to free the NHS from unnecessary bureaucracy.

15 November 2013

The triumph of hope over experience

This report looks at the available evidence about the pattern of reorganisation, why there’s so much of it and why it often fails.

18 June 2010

What's it all for?

Joint Independent Healthcare Advisory Services, NHS Confederation report sets out recommendations for reducing unnecessary bureaucracy in regulation

5 June 2009