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Showing 109 - 120 of 128 results

The changing face of clinical commissioning

Report showcases the unique perspective brought by clinical commissioners and argues they are essential components to developing integrated services.

23 May 2019

Brexit NHS networking event presentations

Our Brexit Networking event on 21 March 2019 was well attended by a host of delegates from across health, social care and local government.

28 March 2019

The NHS Long Term Plan

What the plan means for health and care organisations and the wider system, and how the NHS Confederation will support members.

7 January 2019

Skills advisory panels

An update on skills advisory panels, which will play an important role in identifying, prioritising and addressing local skills gaps.

14 December 2018

When tragedy strikes

This report distils the learning from the health service’s response to the Manchester Arena attack and Grenfell Tower fire.

14 June 2018

Steering towards strategic commissioning

This publication sets out CCGs’ vision for the future and what they need to get there at pace so they can deliver more for patients.

25 September 2017