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Showing 169 - 180 of 184 results

Letting local systems lead

NHS leaders’ views on issues that are critical to embedding system working in local areas.

16 November 2018

Why housing matters to health and care

An overview of the benefits of housing working with health and care and showcases examples where housing and health work collaboratively.

14 November 2018

Shifting the centre of gravity

A vision for a community-based preventative service which supports people to stay healthy and independent for as long as possible.

14 November 2018

Lives we want to lead

We fundamentally disagree with the proposal for health and wellbeing boards to take on statutory duties to commission primary and community care.

16 September 2018

The key priorities for carers in Wales

Key areas the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee should consider on the impact of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 on carers.

29 August 2018

The lives we want to lead

NHS Confederation response to the Local Government Association's social care green paper consultation.

28 August 2018

Securing the future

UK spending on healthcare will have to rise by an average 3.3% a year over the next 15 years to maintain NHS provision at current levels.

23 May 2018

Arts, health and wellbeing

An overview of the resources, findings and data that show the effectiveness of the arts in promoting and improving people’s health and wellbeing.

1 May 2018