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Showing 25 - 36 of 82 results

Discharge to assess

This Community Network briefing sets out the case for permanent funding to support the ‘discharge to assess’ model.

14 June 2021

Integration and innovation

Analysis of government proposals to reform the NHS in England.

11 February 2021

Diabetes support

Learn how a team in Sussex has optimised the way its service targeted patients with type 1 diabetes who are most at need during the pandemic.

11 February 2021

Implementing a discharge hub

Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust worked with system partners to implement a discharge hub to reduce patient discharge delays.

11 February 2021

Hospital at Home

Patients recovering from COVID-19 but need ongoing oxygen therapy can now be cared for at home rather than in hospital, thanks to remote monitoring.

11 February 2021

Knowsley community respiratory support service

How a respiratory rapid response car became a fundamental resource during the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting patients displaying COVID-19 symptoms.

11 February 2021