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Showing 49 - 60 of 92 results

Advancing arts, health and wellbeing

Second Memorandum of Understanding between the Welsh NHS Confederation and the Arts Council of Wales.

11 November 2020

MHPG Mental Health Winter Support Package

Government urged to implement a support package to make sure people with severe mental health problems are adequately protected in the coming months.

10 November 2020

Health Leaders Panel

A digest of the findings from the inaugural survey of the Health Leaders Panel.

5 November 2020

NHS Reset: a new direction for health and care

NHS Confederation members’ views on the COVID-19 pandemic and a possible direction for health and care in the aftermath of the pandemic.

29 September 2020

Next steps for system working

The views of system leaders on what the asks of government might be to support a step change in system working.

8 September 2020

Mental health services and COVID-19

This report from the NHS Reset campaign considers what mental health services need to prepare for the expected surge in demand.

12 August 2020

Looking forward

Mental health providers and commissioners convene to consider what the future demand is likely to be for mental health services.

5 August 2020

The calm before the storm

How PCNs and mental health service providers can work together to prepare for the expected surge in demand for mental health services.

4 August 2020

Delivering mental health services digitally

How two trusts built on their existing provision of remote one-to-one services and expanded them into remote services for groups during COVID-19.

23 July 2020