
Find the latest podcasts, reports, briefings and case studies from our experts in health and social care.
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Showing 1285 - 1296 of 1625 results

#FixSocialCare pledge

Printable pledge to use in photos as part of the #FixSocialCare campaign

14 November 2019

Labour party pledges for the NHS

A summary of the Labour Party pledges for three separate funding increases for the NHS.

13 November 2019

Delivering for community services

A look back at the impact the Community Network has had since its launch by the NHS Confederation and NHS Providers, and its plans for the future.

22 October 2019

The NHS and future free trade agreements

This report argues trade deals post Brexit should be assessed to ensure that commercial advantage is not prioritised over human and economic health.

22 October 2019

Brexit temperature check

A temperature check of the views of health leaders at this stage of Brexit planning.

18 October 2019

The Queen's Speech

A briefing on the legislation announced in the Queen's Speech of note to the NHS.

15 October 2019