Polisi a Threfn Galluogrwydd Wedi'i ddatblygu i helpu a chefnogi staff sy'n gweithio yn y GIG yng Nghymru. 1 June 2018
Capability Policy and Procedure The primary aim of this policy is to provide a framework within which managers can work with employees to maintain satisfactory performance standards. 1 June 2018
Public engagement and the NHS in Wales How effective engagement with the public and patients can lead to positive outcomes for individuals and improved wellbeing for communities. 29 May 2018
Securing the future: What our members are telling us What NHS Confederation members have told us about the challenges they are facing. 25 May 2018
Securing the future: Funding Niall Dickson and Paul Johnson discuss the key findings of a report into the funding needs of health and social care over the next 15 years. 25 May 2018
Securing the future: Will the public pay? Research suggests health and social care spending will need to rise by 2–3 per cent of national income. Is the public willing to pay? 25 May 2018
Securing the future: Our message to government Our message to the government following the launch of a report into health and social care funding to the 2030s, commissioned by the NHS Confederation 24 May 2018
Securing the future: why a longer-term look at funding is needed This animation explores why a longer-term look at funding is needed and what our study with the IFS will cover. 23 May 2018
Securing the future UK spending on healthcare will have to rise by an average 3.3% a year over the next 15 years to maintain NHS provision at current levels. 23 May 2018
Retaining our staff An overview of the workforce retention challenges facing the NHS in Wales and the initiatives to respond to these challenges. 14 May 2018
Arts, health and wellbeing An overview of the resources, findings and data that show the effectiveness of the arts in promoting and improving people’s health and wellbeing. 1 May 2018
Rural health and care An insight into the challenges of delivering health and care services in rural Wales. 30 April 2018