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Showing 181 - 192 of 224 results

Liberal Democrats’ general election manifesto

This briefing assesses the key commitments in the Lib Dems' manifesto against the issues that NHS Confederation members are most concerned about

21 November 2019

Conservative Party general election manifesto

This briefing assesses the key commitments in the Conservative Party manifesto against the issues that concern NHS Confederation members.

21 November 2019

Labour party pledges for the NHS

A summary of the Labour Party pledges for three separate funding increases for the NHS.

13 November 2019

The NHS and future free trade agreements

This report argues trade deals post Brexit should be assessed to ensure that commercial advantage is not prioritised over human and economic health.

22 October 2019

A chink of light?

This briefing identifies the factors placing a strain on adult social care and what the future pressures could be.

15 September 2019

Fit for the future

The NHS Confederation has surveyed its members in England to gauge what they feel are their most critical priorities for an incoming government.

11 September 2019

European funding after Brexit

The result of the referendum in 2016 and the possibility of a ‘no deal’ Brexit means there is uncertainty over the future of European funding to Wales

23 August 2019

EU funding to Wales after Brexit

Overview of the changes and implications of European funding to Wales within the context of the UK exiting the EU

23 August 2019

Letter to the new Prime Minister (2019)

This letter to the new Prime Minister outlines the ‘unfinished business’ for the new government to resolve in the health and care sector.

1 August 2019

A manifesto for the new Prime Minister

Seven key challenges for the NHS in 2019 and beyond including, funding, social care and the NHS in a post-Brexit world.

1 August 2019