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Showing 205 - 216 of 224 results

Statutory Scheme

We support the principles of the statutory scheme and the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme 2014 to limit the cost of branded medicines.

18 September 2018

Welsh Government draft budget

Radical transformation of healthcare is now the only way in which NHS Wales can hope to be on a sustainable footing for the longer term.

13 September 2018

Securing the future

UK spending on healthcare will have to rise by an average 3.3% a year over the next 15 years to maintain NHS provision at current levels.

23 May 2018

Spring Statement 2018

Headline points from the 2018 Spring Statement.

13 March 2018

Finance and the NHS in Wales

An overview of Welsh NHS finance, the pressures on the system and the actions being taken by local health boards and NHS trusts to address them.

4 December 2017

Public and patient partnerships

Exploring what good public and patient partnership look like and how can it be carried out.

1 June 2016