Delivering a preventative mental health culture in Bury schools A programme of mental health education in primary schools is having a significant impact in Bury schools. 2 August 2023
Cutting-edge LungVision bronchoscopic navigation system Royal Preston aims to improve the accuracy of peripheral lung cancer diagnoses using the state-of-the-art LungVision bronchoscopic navigation system. 27 July 2023
Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS Diabetes Prevention Programme Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS is exceeding the national targets for improving access to support for people at risk of type 2 diabetes. 13 July 2023
Reducing the elective care backlog for people with a learning disability Reducing health inequalities for people with a learning disability who need elective surgery. 29 June 2023
Brigstock Road Community Hub: face-to-face support for a diverse community A new community hub in Croydon brings together statutory and voluntary bodies to offer face-to-face advice on anything from housing to mental health. 23 June 2023
One-stop lung cancer clinic How Wythenshawe Hospital introduced a one-stop clinic to decide treatment pathways for patients with lung cancer. 8 June 2023
Lithotripsy machine used to reduce urology elective waiting lists How King George Hospital introduced new equipment in the urology department that led to reduced elective backlog for patients. 8 June 2023
Reducing unnecessary attendance to accident and emergency department Case study from Barts Health on the need to work differently across systems to reduce long waits when attending emergency services. 16 May 2023
Non-clinical support for patients waiting for mental health treatment Non-clinical, practical support for people with serious mental illness has reduced waiting lists in Cumbria, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear. 4 May 2023
Improving patient flow for children Case study from the The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust on reducing waiting times in Childrens Emergency Department. 3 May 2023
Scalable innovation for mental health care and support NHS and public health services in Shropshire worked in partnership to provide early mental health intervention and rapid-access pathways. 6 April 2023
Embedding mental health expertise into housing teams Placing a mental health nurse in a housing team has ensured the right mental health support is in place and aligned with housing need. 6 April 2023