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Showing 265 - 276 of 386 results

Social care: time to grasp the nettle

This report explores the opportunities and challenges ahead for health and social care and the four critical factors needed to reset social care.

19 August 2020

Mental health services and COVID-19

This report from the NHS Reset campaign considers what mental health services need to prepare for the expected surge in demand.

12 August 2020

Healthcare rights for patients

The Brexit Health Alliance outlines the risks to UK and EU citizens' healthcare rights if Brexit negotiators don’t agree a deal by 31 December 2020.

7 August 2020

The calm before the storm

How PCNs and mental health service providers can work together to prepare for the expected surge in demand for mental health services.

4 August 2020

Delivering mental health services digitally

How two trusts built on their existing provision of remote one-to-one services and expanded them into remote services for groups during COVID-19.

23 July 2020

Primary care networks: one year on

On the one-year anniversary of primary care networks (PCNs) being established across England, the PCN Network has assessed their progress so far.

15 July 2020

Getting the NHS back on track

This report outlines the key challenges local organisations will face as they recover from the first wave of COVID-19.

10 June 2020

Supporting the NHS to get back on track

Healthcare leaders seek assurances from the government as it plans the next phase in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.

10 June 2020

Negotiating a new relationship with the EU

The Brexit Health Alliance is calling for the UK government to prioritise a deal that delivers rapid access to medicines and medical technologies.

3 June 2020