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Showing 277 - 288 of 386 results

Community Transport and Health

How community transport operators across Wales are supporting patients and their local health boards and NHS trusts in Wales.

29 April 2020

Management of the coronavirus outbreak

Evidence to the Health and Social Care Select Committee to inform their inquiry on the management of the coronavirus outbreak.

22 April 2020

Top ten tips for the care of older people

Dr Adrian Hayter, national clinical director for older people and integrated person-centred care, shares his tips for the care of older people.

11 April 2020

The use and supply of PPE in primary care

Headline points for primary care on the use and supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) in primary care, following updated national guidance.

2 April 2020

Implementing a healthier Wales 2020

A Healthier Wales is a vision transforming how we deliver services. To achieve this vision, we need to learn from the projects in this briefing.

31 March 2020

Advancing population health management

Clinical commissioners are a key enabler of population health management approaches as they are well-connected across primary care and secondary care.

13 February 2020