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Showing 337 - 348 of 537 results

Spending Review 2020

Analysis of the government's spending plans for 2021/22 and implications for the health and care sector.

25 November 2020

Best practice and innovation during COVID-19

A snapshot of emerging insights behind the rapid innovation across health and care during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

20 November 2020

Data adequacy and Brexit

A review of the most recent government guidance and a checklist of actions to protect access to EU data for patient care and research.

20 November 2020

Health Leaders Panel

A digest of the findings from the inaugural survey of the Health Leaders Panel.

5 November 2020

Recruitment and Retention Payment Protocol

Information, advice and guidance on the process for determining an RRP and the process for consulting on the proposed RRP prior to implementation.

1 November 2020