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Showing 433 - 444 of 537 results

Conservative Party general election manifesto

This briefing assesses the key commitments in the Conservative Party manifesto against the issues that concern NHS Confederation members.

21 November 2019

Brave, compassionate, confident, kind

More than 20 senior women speak candidly about their career and how women have supported them and helped them on their leadership journey.

14 November 2019

Labour party pledges for the NHS

A summary of the Labour Party pledges for three separate funding increases for the NHS.

13 November 2019

The Queen's Speech

A briefing on the legislation announced in the Queen's Speech of note to the NHS.

15 October 2019

Fit for the future

The NHS Confederation has surveyed its members in England to gauge what they feel are their most critical priorities for an incoming government.

11 September 2019

Towards equality for mental health

The Mental Health Policy Group report looking at developing a cross-governmental approach to parity of esteem.

18 August 2019