Reducing ambulance dispatches in mid-Nottinghamshire Working collaboratively to reduce ambulance dispatches and increase response capacity for non-injury falls through community first responders. 30 November 2022
Preventing unnecessary ambulance trips to A&E and hospital admissions in Walsall Embedding community health services to prevent unnecessary ambulance trips to A&E and reduce hospital admissions. 30 November 2022
Accountability in the NHS Ahead of a Westminster Hall debate on accountability in the NHS, we sent an MP briefing setting out the need for a less complex regulatory framework. 30 November 2022
Supporting admission avoidance in Hertfordshire Supporting admission avoidance along the urgent and emergency care (UEC) pathway. 30 November 2022
Operation Pendant in North East Essex Providing a streamlined and unified system for taking pendant alarm calls. 30 November 2022
Urgent community response in Warrington Enabling 999 call handlers to divert calls directly to urgent community response (UCR) teams. 30 November 2022
How does the data going into this winter compare to previous winters? The first winter sitrep shows pressures starting earlier and performance in a worse place than previous winters already. 30 November 2022
The introduction of a new role: SAS Advocate This document outlines the recommended role profile for the Speciality and Specialist Doctor Advocate 28 November 2022
Proffil y rôl a argymhellir ar gyfer yr Eiriolwr Meddyg Arbenigedd ac Arbenigol Mae iechyd a llesiant wrth wraidd Cymru Iachach ac fe'u hadlewyrchir mewn cytundebau eraill rhwng cyflogwyr a Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain (BMA), gan 28 November 2022
Everything affects health Welsh NHS Confederation Health and Wellbeing Alliance briefing on tackling health inequalities in Wales. 24 November 2022
Mae popeth yn effeithio ar iechyd Mae papur briffio newydd gan Gynghrair Iechyd a Lles Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru a Choleg Brenhinol y Meddygon yn ar anghydraddoldebau iechyd. 24 November 2022
Prof Suzanne Mason: Corridor medicine could help with ambulance handover delays Professor Suzanne Mason on corridor care, demand management, patient handovers and an urgent and emergency care system on the brink. 23 November 2022