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Showing 85 - 96 of 224 results

Cofiwch y bwlch: beth sy'n atal newid?

Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru Cynghrair Iechyd a Lles: Yr argyfwng costau byw a’r anghydraddoldeb cynyddol yng Nghymru.

14 July 2022

Mind the gap: what's stopping change?

The Welsh NHS Confederation Health and Wellbeing Alliance examine the cost-of-living crisis and rise in inequalities in Wales.

14 July 2022

Unlocking capital funding

Patient treatment targets will be missed, the waiting list backlog will grow and patient safety will be at risk unless the government unlocks funding.

14 June 2022

The voice of NHS leadership in Wales

Our Impact Report outlines the work we've done as a team to support our members in the latest financial year, as we responded to the pandemic.

11 May 2022